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  • Just sharing my tween animation for mob's die() functionLucas Pscheidt```gdscript func die(): if not is_alive: return is_alive = false enemy_die_sound.play() var die_sound_time:= enemy_die_sound.stream.get_length() await get_tree().create_timer(die_sound_time/3).timeout var tween := create_tween() tween.tween_property(sword_sprite, "global_position:y", global_position.y+35, die_sound_time/3).set_ease(Tween.EASE_IN) tween.parallel().tween_property(sword_sprite, "global_rotation_degrees", global_rotation_degrees + [-3.5,-3,-2,-1.5, 1.5,2,3,3.5].pick_random() * 5, 0.1).set_ease(Tween.EASE_IN) tween.parallel().tween_property(shadow, "scale", shadow.scale * 1.25 , die_sound_time/2).set_ease(Tween.EASE_IN) tween.tween_property(self, "modulate:a", 0, 1).set_ease(Tween.EASE_IN) tween.finished.connect(queue_free) ``` 1 1 Jan. 03, 2025
  • I get setter functions now!miserly-dugongI thought it would be useful for the teachers to know that I didn't understand the use case of setter functions until this section, it's so much clearer now that I know it's just a function running every time a variable is changed. Thank you! 1 0 Feb. 19, 2025
  • Question about set = set_healtholiver_gzzHey there, is there a lesson where we saw the logic on the `set = set_health` line of code that follows the **health variable?** **`var health := 100: set = set_health`** I do remember, using the `set_health()` function, but not like this. The way is suggested in this lesson, I think it's simpler and cleaner. 2 0 Feb. 04, 2025
  • The method to force update physics calculation?DMKHi, this is not a question specific to this lesson, but I'm finding that method that was in some lesson, that lets you force update the physics calculation, so that I can get the overlapping bodies of an area2d the same frame it's added to the tree. I'm pretty sure it was called something like force_update, but I don't know where it is. Or maybe I'm just hallucinating, and it never existed. If so, can you tell me how that would be implemented? 2 0 Jan. 21, 2025
  • Handling the mob's death soundHardRockFor this optional task one of the hints is that we should connect the the `finished` signal of the AudioStreamPlayer to `queue_free()`. However, I didn't want to do this, since it seemed to me that this would complicate things by duplicating the places `queue_free()` is called from (since one call would remain in the `die()` function as well, in case there is an enemy that doesn't have a death sound). Furthermore, it didn't really make sense to me that it should be the responsibility of an audio playback to delete an enemy. So instead I await the finished signal in the die() function itself like this: > func die() -> void: > set_physics_process(false) > audio_stream_player.play() > await audio_stream_player.finished > queue_free() Is there anything wrong with this approach? It's likely I haven't considered all scenarios that could crop up in a more complex project, but it seemed to me that this way the `die()` function would remain more easily extensible, since I wouldn't need to make sure that playing the death sound would be the last thing I do in it, like if I'd follow the challenge hint. 1 0 Jan. 05, 2025
  • Mob Health setterram876Hello. I wrote a code for a mob where I write a health setter like this (my initial code without checking for the existence of animation_player). ```gdscript func set_health(new_health: int) -> void: health = new_health if health <= 0: die() else: if animation_player: animation_player.play("hurt") _hurt_sound.play() ``` There I play an animation depending on the change in the amount of health. Everything was working correctly. But in the lesson where we work with pickup, I decided to change the health of the mob at the level through the editor. As a result, I get the error that animation_player and _hurt_sound cannot be started, since animation_player and _hurt_sound are not yet available when calling the setter. I added a check for the existence of animation_player to the setter and there is no error anymore. What would be the right thing to do in this situation? 2 0 Dec. 30, 2024
  • How can I know if a node is still in the tree?◆ LPUsing `if body is_in_tree():` or `if body is_visible in_tree():` gives error about expected ":" after "if" condition. Am I missing something? 3 0 Dec. 18, 2024
  • Missing kill.wav sound in mobs directoryRuben TeijeiroI think the kill.wav sound is in the common/sounds folder and not in the mobs folder. At least I couldn't find it. 1 0 Dec. 06, 2024
  • error _hit_boxCelsmissing hit_box ensure it is included in the @onready var. hit_box it's an important feature for melee mobs 1 0 Dec. 04, 2024
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